The welcome message and contact box
Welcome to David Kelly's poetry site and thank you for dropping by. Here you will find a selection of my conventional poetry and also my concrete or visual poetry. Hope you enjoy and feel free to make contact if you do. I began this site in early April 2015 and am still putting it together so bear with it please and return every now and again.
The two images here are from a series I'm 'fiddling with' at the moment about explorers. I've been reading about Cook and Dampier and Tasman and so on and writing a long poem about James Cook's three voyages. The Poetry page will have some of my conventional poetry on it. I tend to write in series so there will be lots of sub-pages to browse through. Similarly the Concrete Poetry page will have many sub-pages featuring my concrete poems. Liked Poetry will have poems I like on it. Some of these will be from contemporary poets and some from poets who are no longer around. The only guiding factor will be that I enjoyed the poem. Kindred will feature short introductions to poets and concrete poets whose work I enjoy. OzConcNews will, I hope, grow to be a site for news of all kinds about concrete poetry in Australia and other countries. Best regards The Kelly |